• e-mail – [email protected]
2024 Rate Sheet
Effective January 1, 2024
Adv. Rate: $6.75 (net) per column inch
Page image size is six columns (10”) X 21 inches.
1 column = 1.575”, 2=3.26”; 3=4.945”; 4=6.63”; 5=8.315”; 6=10”
The Sumter County Record-Journal is located in Livingston, Alabama. The Record-Journal serves all other areas in Sumter County. The Record-Journal is published in Livingston, the county seat of Sumter County, weekly on Thursday. Advertising copy deadline is Monday by noon.
(net) (1) Color – $35.00 (2) Colors-$45.00 (Full Process) $50.00 Insert rate: Information provided upon request
total average Circulation of 4,125
Classified/Legal Rates (net)
Legal/Classified – 60¢ per word each insertion
$12.00 minimum for 20 words or less.
New accounts must be paid in advance.
Most used ad sizes
Obit photo | Price | Purchase |
Black and white photo accompanying a obituary | $15.00 |
1 col. x 2″ yard sale ad | Price | Purchase |
1 column x 2 inch display advertisement, black and white, 20 words or less ad. Normally used for yard sales or single items for sale. | $13.50 |
2×2 Black and white ad | Price | Purchase |
2 column x 2 inch tall, business card sized ad. 1 time insertion. | $27.00 |
Media Space Inc. | Price | Purchase |
Full page Color Census advertisement ran July 2020. | $691.90 |
Contact Personnel
Tommy McGraw – Publisher/Advertising
Herman B. Ward, Jr. -Associate Publisher/Advertising
Kasey DeCastra – Community Editor/Legal Advertising/Web Design