The tour was developed through the Black Belt Heritage Area managed by the Center for the Study of the Black Belt at UWA, and with funding from Alabama Bicentennial Community Grants awarded to the Sumter County Commission, and the municipalities of Gainesville, Livingston, and York. Each site features a short history recorded by local citizens.
The audio tour project offers direct location site visitors and online visitors an opportunity to learn about the interesting history and sites of Sumter County while touring at an individual pace.
Signs with a QR code, phone number, and photograph will be located at each tour site location. In order to access the audio, visitors will use their cell phones to either scan the QR Code or dial the phone number located on the tour sign. Details and instructions to access the tour, for both location site visit or online, will be announced on We will upload instructions, as well, on our events page as soon as we have them.
For more information, contact Gena Robbins at [email protected] or call (205) 652-5545.
Video by Kasey DeCastra, SCRJ Community News Editor

200 Alabama bicentennial University Charter School: History in the making an official Alabama Bicentennial School Project CELEBRATING Alabama Stars and Sumter County Dreams. A community Project 200 years in the making. Videos by Kasey DeCastra, SCRJ Community News Editor
Learn about Sumter County ‘s fossil history!
Video By Kasey DeCastra, Sumter County Record Journal and Moundville Times Community News Editor/Director
18 Wheeler goes over bridge into creek
State troopers are investigating a three vehicle accident involving three 18 wheelers at the 25 mile marker on Interstate 20/59 in Sumter County, Aug. 3.
No serious injuries were reported by first responders arriving at the scene.
The wreck occurred at about 8:15 a.m. Friday morning, August 3.
The wreck occurred in the north bound lane and traffic may be halted for a short time while wrecker crews remove the vehicles.
One tractor trailer went over a bridge railing and fell about 100 feet into a creek. The driver crawled out of the smashed cab and was sitting on the top of the bank when rescuers arrived. The driver was later transfered to a local hospital by ambulance.
Troopers are investigating and a full report will be in the Sumter County Record Journal August 9 issue.
Video and story by Tommy McGraw, Publisher.
Auburn University School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences research team discovers Zika-transmitting mosquito species in Alabama
Auburn University researchers have discovered the presence of Aedes aegypti—the primary mosquito that transmits Zika virus, yellow fever and other flaviviruses—in Alabama.
4th annual Sucarnochee Folklife Festival
Video by Kasey DeCastra, Sumter County Record Journal & Moundville Times Community News Editor
Alabama Ethics Commission Live Stream April 4, 2018
Carrie Fulgham Ethics Trial
Bomb Threat in Livingston
4-3-18, 2:45 p.m.: Law enforcement officers are investigating a suspicious package found on the outside of the Chevron at the Livingston exit, Exit 17, on Interstate 20/59 in Sumter County, Ala. today, April 3. The call came in around 12:30 p.m. concerning the suspicious package, which appears to be a backpack. Livingston PD, Sumter County Sheriff’s Department, Univ. of West Alabama P.D., the 17th Judicial Task Force, and the Tuscaloosa County Sheriff’s Office are on the scene. As of 2:30 p.m., a special team of the TCSO is about to x-ray the package.
Chamber partners with IMC students to produce videos
Dr. Tina Jones’ Advanced Media Writing class in the Integrated Marketing Program produced two Sumter County promotional videos as a class project for the Sumter County Chamber of Commerce. The purpose of the videos is to promote and market Sumter County for tourism, outdoor recreation, economic development, and the University. “Come dig into our roots and discover yourself!” Produced by: BreAnna Johnson, Brianna Farley, and Paige Miller at Studio96productions
Chamber partners with IMC students to produce videos
Dr. Tina Jones’ Advanced Media Writing class in the Integrated Marketing Program produced two Sumter County promotional videos as a class project for the Sumter County Chamber of Commerce. The purpose of the videos is to promote and market Sumter County for tourism, outdoor recreation, economic development, and the University. “Come dig into our roots and discover yourself!” Produced by: Sarah Neill, Riley Thompson, and Andrea Burroughs at Studio96productions
UWA’s SGA sparks Livingston Alive Project
“Livingston Alive,” is a a campaign developed to bring life to the downtown area and was started by Livingston native David Hawley as well as other residents, faculty and students in response to the SGA poll.
ADEM Meeting 1-30-18
The full ADEM Meeting from Jan. 30, 2018.
ADEM Meeting 1-11-18
Full ADEM Meeting from Jan. 11, 2018.
Thurs., Oct. 26 J. J. Wedgeworth speaks at UCS Charter Signing Lyon Hall. Video by SCRJ Publisher Tommy McGraw
Sharks in Lake LU from the 10-26-17 edition of Sumter County Record Journal. Video by Publisher, Tommy McGraw
Sumter Marengo 2018 Water Festival was held Oct. 17 at the University of West Alabama. Students learned about water conservation in their home counties, got to do several activities and watch the Fishing Magicians, Steve Craig and Amy Short. Sumter County Water Authority, Sumter County Soil and Water, Marengo Soil and Water and West Alabama Environmental Services Center with support by UWA, Alabama Power, ADEM, Alfa Insurance, SC BOE put on the festival annually. Read the full story in a future edition of Sumter County Record Journal. Story and videos by Kasey DeCastra, Sumter County Record Journal and Moundville Times Community News Editor
Sumter Marengo 2018 Water Festival was held Oct. 17 at the University of West Alabama. Students learned about water conservation in their home counties, got to do several activities and watch the Fishing Magicians, Steve Craig and Amy Short. Sumter County Water Authority, Sumter County Soil and Water, Marengo Soil and Water and West Alabama Environmental Services Center with support by UWA, Alabama Power, ADEM, Alfa Insurance, SC BOE put on the festival annually. Read the full story in a future edition of Sumter County Record Journal. Story and videos by Kasey DeCastra, Sumter County Record Journal and Moundville Times Community News Editor
Sept. 20th Board of Trustees Hospital Meeting
Above: Suspect being arrested Oct. 2nd, 2017. Photo and audio only.
UPDATE 10-2-17 10:47 A.M.: Greene County Deputy Hank McWhorter, in white shirt, placed the suspect under arrest as he tried to circle back behind officers at the rest stop as law enforcement officers escort the suspect to an awaiting Livingston ambulance.
The suspect was captured at the entrance to the rest stop, as seen in the background.
An escapee from law enforcement last night in Livingston has turned into a massive manhunt in Greene County today, Monday, October 2.
Lawmen, it is believed, have cornered the suspect near the southbound rest stop in Greene County along I 20/59.
Conflicting reports said the escapee is armed and dangerous.
The suspect is believed to have abandoned a stolen Cadillac and has entered the woods. 17th Judicial Task Force K-9 units are in pursuit.
More updates to come. By Tommy McGraw, Sumter County Record Journal and Moundville Times Publisher
An early morning fire destroyed the Family Dollar Store in Eutaw Thursday, September. 21. According to witnesses at the scene the fire started around 6:30 a.m. The witness said no one was injured. There appeared to be a Eutaw Volunteer firemen being attended to by Green County EMS personnel while at the scene of the fire. The building and its contents were a complete loss.
A $1,000 Reward is offered for information leading to the capture and conviction of two armed robbers that robbed the York Mini Mart. York Police Chief Ray McVay released a video of the robbery Monday, Sept. 21, and asks that anyone with information call the York Police Department at 205-392-5261 or 911.
We’re looking for your Central West Alabama ghost stories
*Disclaimer above is not a real ghost. But she is cute as a button.* We’re looking for your Central West Alabama ghost stories. Know of a ghost story in Sumter, Hale, Tuscaloosa, Marengo, or Pickens County, or had a spooky experience yourself? Email us at [email protected] or [email protected] and we’ll put it on and for Halloween. Please let us know the town you are from, the town or area your story occurred and if you would like to use your name or be anonymous. PLEASE DO NOT SEND ANYTHING TO FACEBOOK! Students, admin and visitors on UA quad before the Aug. 21st partial solar eclipse in Tuscaloosa.
Gibson the Songbird at the 2017 Jimmie Rodgers Festival
York Mayor Gena Robbins discusses the impact of proposed America First budget
Mayor Gena Robbins of York recently sat down with us to discuss the federal America First budget proposal, and how the proposed cuts would impact Alabama communities. The proposed budget eliminates seven programs managed by ADECA.
The Sucarnochee Folklife Festival
The Sucarnochee Folklife Festival (SFF) celebrated thirteen years of the unique life ways of Alabama’s Black Belt on Saturday, April 15 at McConnell Field-Lyon Hall Quad on The University of West Alabama (UWA) campus. Video by SCRJ Community News Editor Kasey DeCastra
Task force, troopers, K-9s and local law conduct ‘safety check’
By Thomas W. Ausborn Reporter A l7th Judicial Circuit Drug Task Force K-9 unit conducted a “safety check” at Sumter County High School with help from Alabama State Troopers and officers from Livingston Police Department and Sumter County Sheriff’s Department at approximately 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, March 7. Law enforcement conducted the search at the behest of the SCHS Safety Committee which is compromised of SCBOE Superintendent Tyrone Yarbrough, Principal Stoney Pritchett, and other administrators, instructors, and staff. Students and school employees were kept unaware of the impending safety sweep. Authorities arrived at the school at around 9:30 a.m. to conduct the sweep. All entrances and exits to the school and its grounds were sealed throughout the investigation. K-9 agents alerted on several student backpacks and purses, which were promptly confiscated and searched by members of the SCHS Safety Committee. However, the safety check was cut short due to officers being called to assist U.S. Marshalls in the search for a murder suspect believed to be in Bellamy area.
2nd Annual Monster Walk 10-31-16
The Ruby Pickens Tartt Public Library and The Sumter County Chamber of Commerce had their 2nd Annual Monster Walk on Oct. 31. Kids enjoyed trick or treating with the Library, had a costume contest, story time with United Way of West Alabama, face painting, Livingston Fire Truck Tour, Museum and a movie at UWA Cinema.
Sumter County Commission Meeting 9-12-16
Lie Tree Murder jury deliberation 9-15-16
By Tommy McGraw Publisher The Sumter County Circuit Court jury Murder trial of the State vs Demetris Ruffin is currently in jury deliberation. The jury is charged with deciding who lied under the “Lie Tree” in Kinterbish. Ruffin is accused of Murder in the death of LeThomas Williams in the Nov. 5, 2014 incident at the “Lie Tree,” a gathering spot for locals to “hang out,” in the Kinterbish community. The jury heard witnesses for two days and was charged by Judge Eddie Hardaway at approximately 2 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 15. Approximately ten witnesses testified with conflicting testimony in the trial. The jury is also considering manslaughter and self defense during their deliberations. Ruffin testified in his own behalf and admitted to stabbing Ruffin, but said he “did not mean to kill” Williams. See and up date later and the full story in the next edition of the Sumter County Record Journal, Thursday, Sept. 22.
Two for one robbery arrests 9-9-16
An armed robbery suspect was taken into custody at a Livingston Hotel Friday, Sept. 10, along with man wanted for at least two other charges. Lauderdale Deputies were assisted by the Livingston Police Department, UWA Police, and the Sumter County Sheriff’s Department.
Ex-Sheriff Tyrone Clark arrested on Felony Charges
Sheriff Brian Harris sworn in and statement to residents of Sumter County Aug. 19, 2016
Livingston Jr. Food Mart Robbery, July 19, 2016
Livingston Police are looking to identify these two robbers. Call 205-652-9525 if you have any information.
Lake Louise ‘Gator
Lake Louise’s 2012 Gator interview referenced from the 6-9-16 edition front story, “Crime tape marks spot where 12’ ‘gator seen’ “
2016 Relay For Life
Sheriff Clark Impeachment Press Conference with District Att. Greg Griggers
FBI, ALEA raid at Sumter County Sheriff’s office & Johnny Hatter Detention Center March 8, 2016
Sumter Academy vs. Lyman Ward 2014
Sumter Central vs Greensboro 2014
Choctaw Sheriff and ASPCA raid puppy farm 3-4-15 *Note this video is soundless. Submitted by the ASPCA